A world where the life of every companion animal matters...
Hundreds of thousands of dogs and cats face the fear of death in shelters each year. Happily Ever After provides a place where those fears don't exist; a place where life is a guarantee. We love each and every animal that enters our care as if it were a part of our family - because it is.
Within this short sentence, there are three extremely important words:
- Who is humanity? Human beings, collectively.
- What does capacity mean? The word capacity means a number of things – knowledge, ability, resources, access, space, volume, etc.
- Why is the word its important? "Its" is important because it assigns ownership. The complex problem that we're trying to solve does not belong to animal shelters or rescue groups. Shelters have long been viewed as a place to bring and leave problems. We see HEA’s role differently. In order to create meaningful solutions, we need to facilitate problem solving. We do this with and through members of caring communities.
our values
At Happily Ever After, we love to change lives. We have an unrelenting passion to make every single life matter. This passion is contagious and creates a unique experience that defines HEA. That experience starts with every member of our HEA family. We have a responsibility to recognize that behind every interaction are lives we will impact.
We raise the bar and are always looking at how we can grow to achieve more. Each of us has further potential and will improve to be better tomorrow than we are today. We will be open to feedback as we continue to learn and grow from our mistakes and our successes. We have high expectations for ourselves and each other because to do otherwise would indicate a lack of dedication to our cause and one another’s success.